Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Twas the Season for Crafting

Below are some of this past Christmas' crafty homemade and semi-homemade holiday gifts.

Art Kits for the kids. I put together all the supplies for the preschool art kits and personalized them with vinyl using my Cricut. The kits include things like play dough, chalk, pom poms, stickers, pencils, crayons, glitter glue, watercolor, notepads, craft paper, gel pens, glue sticks, stamps, etc.

The wooden art kits were purchased at Michaels and personalized with the Cricut.

Homemade Play Dough - The holiday "lunch bags" have packages with homemade "Magical Play Dough Mix" to go with the art kits.  I got the idea from the Come Together Kids blog.  You can get the recipe here.  I printed the instructions, laminated and attached them to each baggie.

Homemade Hot Chocolate - The jars were monogrammed with the Cricut. The hot chocolate mix and tags are homemade.

Homemade Bookmarks - The bookmarks are hand stamped paint samples that were laminated for durability.

Clipboard - The clipboard was covered with scrapbook paper and contact paper. (I didn't get a good picture of it, sorry)

Holiday Cookie Trays

I haven't posted in a while but I wanted to make sure I didn't forget to post images of this years holiday cookie trays. As usual, I got caught up in making the cookies and having them ready on time that I didn't get pictures of all of them once they were done but I did take pictures of the them in trays ready to be gifted.
Sugar Cookies